Listening: Benjamin Moser with Tyler Cowen
CWT has been my favorite podcast for years. There are runs where each conversation is transcendent—for example when Tyler interviewed both Karl Ove Knausgaard and Margaret Atwood in back-to-back episodes. There are other times where I’m almost completely unable to connect with the guest or the subject matter.
The podcast has been on a bit of a tear lately, with recent episodes including Coleman Hughes (who knew he is a professional jazz musician?), Peter Thiel, Jonathan Haidt, and Marilynne Robinson.
I thought the recent conversation with Benjamin Moser could be one of the latter—I know nothing about Dutch art. The episode was anything but boring! Moser and Cowen covered art in depth, as expected, but also Dutch culture as it relates to other world cultures, religion, Brazil, writing, Sontag, and Naipaul. Recommended.